The World's First Open Source GameDev DisCo

Come Join the Party!

Our Ethos

Crafting Joy

Open Source

We believe information wants to be free


We prioritize artistic integrity over selling out


Our Labor Platform lets everyone see where the money is going

Bounty System

To the contributors belong the spoils


Fully owned by our workers and democratically managed along with our players

Democratizing Gamedev

Getting paid to work on Open Source games? You better believe it! With bounty-driven development, it’s easy for passionate members of the community to get involved with our projects and even get paid for their work. When something needs to get done, we create an issue and assign a bounty, which will be allocated to the contributor's internal capital account when the work is complete. Contributors can cash out whenever they want, and once they have reached a certain historical patronage threshold they are eligible to become voting members of the organization's worker class.

As a multi-stakeholder cooperative, dedicated members of the community can also become consumer-class stakeholders for an affordable recurring membership fee. This gives them the power to vote on matters of business, game design, development and work prioritization. Got a bug that's bothering you or a feature you really want to see? Vote for it! This model allows us to build a more equitable and sustainable relationship with our community and guarantees that our games exist to serve the needs of gamers.

A Place For Everyone

There’s many talented people out there who aren’t cut out for 9-to-5 or just don’t fit in with the corporate crowd. We welcome those people. We are those people. At GameCult we value unique.

The magic of game development is that it incorporates nearly every creative pursuit ever invented: storytelling, drawing, music, architecture; you name it, it can add value to an interactive experience. Writing good code has never been enough.

Games as a Service

Give away the razor, sell the blades. Games as a Service is big business, and despite many Software as a Service companies committing to Open Source, conventional game studios seem reluctant to follow. GameCult is taking that leap, with flagship multiplayer experiences that are hard to duplicate (due to server infrastructure and network effects) and easy to monetize. Revenue from these sources can fund our single player passion projects which we only charge a nominal fee to install via digital distribution. Our games are for everyone, and you'll never need to pay just to experience them.

The New Hotness

Gamers can spot a copycat no matter how many new spots it has, there’s no reason for taking a risk on a new game if a current favourite runs on the same lines. So, in pursuit of originality and art and the sheer cliff-edge adrenaline that comes of hurling ourselves over and over out of the airlock into the vast spaces between the stars, we’ll dare the void and make something new out of everything we find.